"Allt berättar" was my graduation project from Konstfack in 2015. In four illustrated books, I was exploring ways to work with the components of an illustrated book, to examine the creative process and to let the components be integral in the storytelling.
Liten (Small)
A book where I use the format to amplify the story - about a small person who is hiding in a small space, and finds her self shrinking.
Ett två tre (One two three)
A book using ink drawings as a starting point of creating a story.
When I kept adding pictures and words, it turned out as a surreal story about a person going out to the woods, to dig her self up from the ground, over and over again.
Öppna (Open)
In this book I tried to make the flickering of the pages play a role in the storytelling. When the character in the book opens the window, we also turn the page, and the story takes a new turn.
Allt är som vanligt (Everything is as usual)
A book in which I wanted to experiment with the relation between text and image, and how we value read them. The story tells about a meeting between two people. The text has one message, the image another. Which of them should we trust?
Pictures from the exhibition at Konstfack College of Arts and Crafts